
Saturday, March 29, 2014


Well my surgery went well for all those that have asked. For those of you that do not know, i had surgery last Wednesday to fix the deviation in my septum, remove the bone spur, clear blockages, and open my sinuses. A lot of slicing and dicing up in that little place. The last thing I remember is asking the anesthesiologist if whatever he was putting in my IV was supposed to burn. Ha! Then I was awake and felt like I was going to ralph all over the place. So they hooked me up with something for that. Baby Bear came in, saw me, and cried. My surgeon threw in that he went ahead and removed my adenoids too. We went home (I had to keep my eyes closed the entire car ride because I started feeling sick), and I went to bed. Baby Bear cried some more and brought me stuffed animals to sleep with. Poor thing was worried about her Momma and uncertain I was okay because she saw blood.

This was me through Sunday.

I'm not going to lie, when I woke up that mess was pretty darn painful. I had a "bunny mask" on to catch all the blood drainage and had to sleep with my head at an angle. No, I didn't have black eyes, or bruising, or even any packing up there. Thank goodness! The worst part was waking up. It was the absolute worst. My throat was killing me and I had the most pleasant taste in that mouth of mine. I honestly have to say Wednesday and Thursday really were not that bad. Did it hurt? Yes, but it was no big deal. Friday and Saturday though, those were the worst days. There was so much pressure in my head, and my teeth were killing me. Ice packs and hot showers were my BFF's!

Oh, and eating with that thing on my face, impossible. I drank exclusively through a straw too because of that thing. I salute all you guys with mustaches, and will never, ever date anyone with one because I now know what that stuff catches. Yuck!

Monday was my follow up appointment. I honestly thought he was just going to take a look to see how I was healing. Boy was I ever wrong. It gives me the jeebs just thinking about it. He suctioned that thing out like there was no tomorrow. The sound completely creeped me the eff out. You can add that to the list of things I cannot tolerate. It was like a shop vac slurping up a crap load of water, but in my nose. After that I was a little raw, but still shuddering just thinking about that awful sound!

Another thing, I'm super OCD about my nose, I was before this, and I cannot stand for anything to be in it. Boogers are not allowed in there-ever! I will immediately go into a restroom the second I feel anything there and get that sucker out and gone. So, all the gunk that has popped up after that suction, is driving me bat shit crazy!

I am still getting headaches on the daily, but I am sure that will subside, just like the teeth and pressure subsided. I'm going to have weekly suction appointments for a bit, so I get to do it all over again Monday. Joy.

 Oh, and I have finally sneezed, through my mouth. Not brave enough for the nose sneeze yet because I'm still a lil tender up in there.

On another note, I have not had oily skin in years. It has always been on the dry side. I think these antibiotics I am having to take is making my face super shiny. It is nuts. My entire face and nose is completely broken out, and it blows!

WTF is all of that?


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Recipes While I Recoup

If you follow me on instagram, pinterest, or snapchat (mysafehavens) you would notice the pictures, recipes, etc I have been using and posting for my vegan lifestyle. It has actually been a pretty easy transition, since I had already cut out all red meat for my liver, but it can get complicated as well having 2 meat eaters in the house! This is what 2 of our dinners looked like last week

Now, my taco was easy! I gathered black beans and avocado and placed it in the Ninja, then warmed them in a pot. I topped it with fresh tomatoes, sauteed onions, and bell pepper, and fresh salsa.

The avocado was pretty quick and easy too. I squeezed some lime juice, drizzled with agave nectar, and stuffed onion and tomato in the center, then sprinkled chipotle chili powder over it. Placed in the oven at 350 for 10-15 minutes and it was all ready to go. I also made this the same way, topped with black beans and sun dried tomatoes as well.

I just wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't share some of the best, real deal, black bean brownies on the planet. They were gone so fast I didn't even get a picture! Baby Bear and Mr A were both fooled with these. I wish I could take credit for these, but these are all Chocolate Covered Katie. They're gluten free too! Here is what you will need

Black Bean Brownies

1 1/2 cups black beans (1 15-oz can, drained and rinsed very well) (250g after draining)
2 tbsp cocoa powder- dutch or regular (10g) (add a little extra if desired, I did)
1/2 cup quick oats (40g) (See nutrition facts link below for all substitution notes.)
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup pure maple syrup or agave nectar (75g)
1/4 cup coconut or vegetable oil (40g)
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup to 2/3 cup chocolate chips (115-140g) (Not optional. Omit at your own risk.)
optional: more chips, for presentation

Black Bean Brownies Recipe: Preheat oven to 350 F. Combine all ingredients except chips in a good food processor, and blend until completely smooth. Really blend well. (A blender can work if you absolutely must, but the texture—and even the taste—will be much better in a food processor.) Stir in the chips, then pour into a greased 8×8 pan. Optional: sprinkle extra chocolate chips over the top. Cook the black bean brownies 15-18 minutes, then let cool at least 10 minutes before trying to cut. Makes 9-12 brownies.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What's Happening Now

If you follow me, you saw the CT scan I posted last week on social media.

I am having surgery tomorrow! I'm actually heading out to my pre-op appointment in a few minutes! Of course, when I told Baby Bear I was having surgery, she got real excited, and squealed "you're going to have a baby"?! I couldn't help but laugh. She then got upset that she would not be allowed to watch the actual surgery be performed.

 I am a little excited, and kind of nervous at the same time. I didn't think about it, I just scheduled it. I am hoping this offers some relief, since we have exhausted all other options.  I just have reached my breaking point of being sick for the last 6 months. I have time off, so I may as well, right? So off to sinus surgery I go. They're going to fix my deviation, remove blockages and open up the sinuses, and I'll actually be able to heal since I am not around all the irritants anymore. I think it's a win win.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My New Lifestyle

I know I haven't updated this space in quite some time. Things have been insane and I can finally breathe. Thank goodness because I have missed all of you terribly. I have been consistently ill since October. It feels like it was ages ago the last time I felt well. It just sucks!
Needless to say, I have had enough. I have grabbed the bull by the horns and taken control. I quit my job! What? I did what? Yes! I quit! And I am completely happy and super excited about it. I am enjoying my time off before I start my new job. I see it as the best of both worlds. A vacation, and still being paid for my availability. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself.

With me being ill for 6 months, I have been unable to consistently take my treatments for my RA, (for my new followers, you can read the story here and here). I have yet another lifestyle change (you can read previous posts here, that helped) to hopefully kick my butt into remission so I do not have to inject myself once, sometimes twice a week. Thank goodness I don't have a problem with needles (as long as someone else is doing the stabbing). So, I have moved over to a vegan based diet. Think vegan, but welcomes seafood. I have moved over to this raw/vegan lifestyle because after speaking with someone that was diagnosed with RA when they were a child, and are completely off meds due to this lifestyle, I figure what the hell, it is worth a shot. If it works, why not? I mean, it can't hurt anything. Stay tuned for some yummy recipes I will be sharing.
